Gold Sponsor

Frontier Lab

Leading the way in materials characterization

33 years of Passion for Analytical Pyrolysis
Frontier Lab offers multi-functional analytical pyrolyzer which can be installed on all major brands of GC-MS and allows expanding your lab capabilities for advanced material characterization. We have developed full range of accessories to maximize the performance and use of this tool for various analytical needs in variety of industries (polymers, additives, plastics, rubber, paints and coatings, biomass research and microplastics). 

Gold Sponsor


World leader in serving science

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science. Whether our customers are improving life for patients, protecting our global climate or keeping people safe, they look to Thermo Fisher Scientific for innovative solutions, to push science and technology a step beyond. ​Learn more at

Gold Sponsor


JEOL is a world leader in equipment and instrumentation for high-performance scientific and industrial research and development. Core product groups include SEM and TEM, NMR and MS etc.

JEOL positively challenges the world’s highest technology under “With the Power of Science, Make the Future Brighter”.
For more details, please visit

Silver Sponsor


World Siam Group Company Limited (WSG) exists almost two decades in the industry. WSG is now the leading provider of comprehensive range of scientific instruments with effect sale, service and support and distribution to customers all over Thailand

Gold Sponsor

Bara Scientific Co., Ltd. It is established to support the development of various businesses of the division, which has been an Exclusive Distributor in Thailand of SHIMADZU high/top quality Analytical Instruments and Testing Machine, products of Japan, since 1987. This division has been expanding and developing its business continuously up to present, and is ready to create quality technological services to respond to customers’ requirements to their continued satisfaction in the Company’s goods and services

Bronze Sponsor

The Best Technological Solutions For Each Analytical Task For Over 60 Years Running. Discover Bruker’s Solution To High-Resolution NMR At A More Affordable Price

Bronze Sponsor

LECO Corporation is a leader in instrument innovation and offers a diversified range of advanced analytical instruments. For example, CHN determination for determining protein in food or inorganic materials, a thermal analysis instrument (AC600 Calorimeter) for determining the calorific value of various organic materials, a sulfur analysis instrument for inorganic samples, and a state-of-the-art mass spectrometer, GCXGC-TOFMS with thermal modulator, for analyzing volatile compounds in complex mixture samples such as waste, environment, Petroleum, and fuel samples, etc. Moreover, our thermal gravimetrics for measuring moisture and ash (TGM800 and TGA801) are industry leaders in every field. LECO is dedicated to enhancing the user experience by offering training and service that keep your instruments in top working order and access to friendly service and support that will empower your laboratory for success.

Bronze Sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities

It is our pleasure to invite you to the upcoming International conference on Advanced Materials and Characterization which will be held from July 24-26, 2024 at Bangkok, Thailand. This conference aims to bring researchers and experts from the academia and industry together to share their latest research findings/cutting edge technologies and create opportunities for networking and exchange knowledge.

As a technology and solution provider, here is an opportunity for you to showcase your latest innovative solutions, analytical workflow, and process technologies because it helps to grow your visibility, branding, and business in the region.

Technology companies and instrument manufacturers are invited to participate in AMC-2024 to showcase your latest technology and solutions. Sponsors will be provided exhibition space, free registration and podium talk, depending upon the type of sponsorship.

Gold Sponsorship: USD 2000; Silver Sponsorship: USD 1500; Bronze Sponsorship: USD 1000

Gold Sponsorship US $2000

  • Podium presentation (Invited – 20min)
  • Exhibition space
  • One delegate free registration
  • Two Exhibitors pass
  • Logo in conference website, Backdrop, SM

Silver Sponsorship US $1500

  • Podium presentation (short oral – 12min)
  • Exhibition Space
  • One delegate free registration
  • Two Exhibitors pass
  • Logo in conference website, Backdrop, SM

Bronze Sponsorship US $1000

  • Exhibition space
  • Two Exhibitors pass
  • Logo in conference website, Backdrop, SM

Sign up (Become a Sponsor at AMC-2024)

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